Coastal Cleanup Day 2018: A Collaborative Effort

On September 15th, 2018, Clifton Beach witnessed a remarkable event: Coastal Cleanup Day. Organized by the Green Media Initiative with support from the Hashoo Foundation, this day brought together a diverse group of individuals dedicated to a common cause.

Leadership and Participation

Shabina Faraz Takes the Lead: Leading the charge was Shabina Faraz, with prominent figures like Echologist Dr. Rafi ul Haque, Researcher Dr. Seema Naz, activist Dr. Alia Khan, and journalist Afia Salam, alongside a multitude of enthusiastic young leaders.

Coastal Cleanup Day 2018

A United Front

Diverse Volunteer Participation: Volunteers from various backgrounds rallied together, fostering a strong sense of camaraderie and inspiring hope for the future.

Diverse Volunteer Participation

Mass Awareness for Coastal Conservation

University and Civil Society Involvement: Over 100 students from institutions like the University of Karachi, the Institute of Business Management, and the Federal Urdu University for Arts, Science, and Technology (Fuuast) joined hands with over 100 additional participants from civil society, the social sector, and the media.

Mission: Cleaning Coasts and Protecting from Waste: The event’s core objective was to raise widespread awareness about the critical importance of cleaning coastal areas and safeguarding them from various forms of waste, particularly non-biodegradable plastics.

The Plague of Plastic Pollution

Understanding the Plastic Threat: Plastic pollution emerges as a dire threat to our oceans due to its nonbiodegradable nature, photodegradation, and longlasting presence.

The Beach Connection: Emphasizing the pivotal role of beaches as a bridge between our terrestrial world and the ocean, underlining the necessity of their cleanliness for ocean health.

Impact on Marine Life: Highlighting the adverse effects of trash on marine creatures, from ingestion to physical harm, underscoring the importance of a debrisfree environment.

Addressing Root Causes

Government’s Waste Management Failures: Identifying the failures of government solid waste management systems as a key contributor to the beach pollution problem.

The Need for Grassroots Awareness: Advocating for the empowerment of environmentally conscious citizens to tackle environmental issues at the grassroots level.

Oceans: Earth’s Life Support

The Ocean’s Vital Role: Recognizing the ocean’s essential functions, from producing drinking water and clean air to mitigating climate change and providing sustenance and recreation.

Our Duty to Protect: Stressing the urgency of taking collective action to safeguard our invaluable marine resources.

A Call for Continued Cleanup Efforts

The Vast Coastline in Peril: Acknowledging the dire need for regular and efficient cleanup efforts along the more than 1000 kilometers of coastline at risk of becoming massive waste repositories.